Validation of Thermal Washers in Food Service
The hospitality industry has been facing a growing issue in infection control when it comes to cleaning and disinfecting utensils, glass and dishes used for patrons. The washing process is only effective to certain degree and provides no guarantee of sufficient disinfection.
With more than 20,000 cases a year taken against cafes and restaurants in relation to hygiene, word of mouth for infection control simply does not cut it anymore. Your only protection against these health inspections and patron complaints is to hold physical scientific evidence in your hands that your system work.
Patrons can lodge complaints against restaurants on a daily basis about hygiene and infection control then it comes to the dishes the eat off and glasses they drink from.
NCA's Laboratory and research partners have created the X-Clean Validation Card. A test soil card that complies with ISO 15883 which is used for washer-disinfection. The card is synthetically made from the 30 most harshest test soils known in human bacteriology.
The card is placed into a metal sleeve and then placed into the dish washer in the first load of the morning. The combination of mechanical force and detergent should rinse away the colour on the card, leaving it clear. This has then rendered your washer "validated" for the day, hence your entire load of dishes, glasses and utensils have passed the wash for the day.
The card is then paced into a log book that is provided with the purchase of the cards in a starter pack. This provides your business with scientific validated evidence that every load of washes has been validated scientifically and to the highest level of international standards.
The card serves as the only scientific method available in the world today as a guarantee of effective disinfection from your washer systems, and will protect your business against litigation.
The NCA team can also certify your business to the ISO standards for passing infection control monitoring validation, making your business the highest on scale and top of the market for hygiene.
Don't wait for something to happen before acting on it. Contact our food safety specialists below and start the process.
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Contact our food science specialists to discuss options on validating your infection control methods in your business.